Our ProjectS

Preparation of exhaust box fan for installation

Preparing the exhaust fan orientation before installation

Completed works

Preparation of exhaust box fan for installation
umc Kitchen exhaust fan replacement
Replacement of faulty main kitchen exhaust fan. Complete with alteration work done by our team
Replacement of kitchen exhaust
Replacement of kitchen cylindrical exhaust fan for the British club kitchen.

bifurcated exhaust fan completed with ducting works

Completed with testing and commissioning

bifurcated exhaust fan completed with ducting works

Carrying out chemical servicing on the ducted fan coil units (DFCU). Additionally, we replaced the existing linear grills with square diffusers to better meet our client's requirements. We will also remove and dispose of damaged or affected ceiling boards
and replace them with new .
Installation of aircon ducting and diffusers
Carry out installation of aircon ducting and diffusers with total overhaul servicing of DFCU.

Replacement of exhaust fan motor
Carrying out replacement of faulty kitchen exhaust motor and replacing the v-belt. Servicing of exhaust fan compartment and application of paint to prevent any further rusting
cold-room condenser
Carrying out cold room outdoor compressor unit servicing and re-conational works.

Replacement of DFCU FANMOTOR
Supply and replacement of faulty fan blower motors.